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List of the DLL files beginning with the letter S (S*.dll)

arrow  system.identitymodel.selectors.dll System.IdentityModel.Selectors.dll
arrow System.IO.Log.dll
arrow Microsoft .NET library for Management
arrow Microsoft .NET library for Management
arrow  system.messaging.dll System.Messaging.dll
arrow  system.messaging.pocketpc.asmmeta.dll .NET Compact Framework
arrow  system.messaging.pocketpc.asmmeta.resources.dll .NET Compact Framework
arrow  system.messaging.resources.dll System.Messaging.dll
arrow  system.messaging.smartphone.asmmeta.dll .NET Compact Framework
arrow  system.messaging.smartphone.asmmeta.resources.dll .NET Compact Framework
arrow  system.messaging.windowsce.asmmeta.dll .NET Compact Framework
arrow  system.messaging.windowsce.asmmeta.resources.dll .NET Compact Framework
arrow .NET Compact Framework
arrow .NET Compact Framework
arrow .NET Compact Framework
arrow .NET Compact Framework
arrow  system.pocketpc.asmmeta.dll .NET Compact Framework
arrow  system.pocketpc.asmmeta.resources.dll .NET Compact Framework
arrow  system.printing.dll Windows Presentation Foundation Print APIs
arrow  system.printing.resources.dll API d’impression de Windows Presentation Foundation
arrow  system.resources.dll System.dll
arrow  system.runtime.remoting.dll Microsoft .NET Runtime Object Remoting
arrow  system.runtime.remoting.resources.dll Microsoft .NET Runtime Object Remoting
arrow  system.runtime.serialization.dll System.Runtime.Serialization.dll
arrow  system.runtime.serialization.formatters.soap.dll Microsoft .NET Runtime Soap Serialization Library
arrow  system.runtime.serialization.formatters.soap.resources.dll Microsoft .NET Runtime Soap Serialization Library
arrow System.Security.dll
arrow System.Security.dll
arrow  system.servicemodel.dll System.ServiceModel.dll
arrow  system.servicemodel.install.dll System.ServiceModel.Install.dll
arrow  system.servicemodel.washosting.dll System.ServiceModel.WasHosting.dll
arrow  system.serviceprocess.dll System.ServiceProcess.dll
arrow  system.serviceprocess.resources.dll System.ServiceProcess.dll
arrow  system.smartphone.asmmeta.dll .NET Compact Framework
arrow  system.smartphone.asmmeta.resources.dll .NET Compact Framework
arrow  system.speech.dll Windows Speech Library
arrow  system.speech.resources.dll Bibliothèque vocale Windows
arrow .NET Compact Framework
arrow  system.text.regularexpressions.dll
arrow  system.transactions.dll .NET Framework

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