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Liste des fichiers DLL commençant par la lettre M (M*.dll)

arrow  mpfrtax.dll tax area
arrow  mpiad.dll Investment Account Details Place
arrow  mpinv.dll Investment Details Place
arrow  mpinvtr.dll Home Inventory Place
arrow  mpiue.dll Initial User Experience
arrow  mploan.dll Loan Place
arrow  mplplan.dll Long-Term Planner Place
arrow  mplst.dll Lists Place
arrow  mpmcsnc.dll MC Setup/Sync Place
arrow  mppay.dll Payee Details Place
arrow  mpplan.dll Planner Place
arrow  mpport.dll Portfolio Place
arrow  mprevsi.dll Reversi Easter Egg
arrow  mprpt.dll Report Gallery and Reports and Charts Places
arrow  mps.dll Modular Parsing System
arrow  mptax.dll tax area
arrow  mpukbiz.dll UK Business Place
arrow  mpvinterface.dll MPV Reader/Writer
arrow  mpweb.dll Insitu Browser Place
arrow  mpwshm.dll Home Loan Worksheet Place
arrow  mpwsln.dll Loan Worksheet Place
arrow  msa.dll Audio plugin
arrow  msaddndr.dll AddInDesigner
arrow  msaexp30.dll Microsoft Access Expression Builder
arrow  msain.dll Microsoft Office Access International DLL
arrow  msatinterop.dll Enterprise Template Interop
arrow  msaxp.dll Audio plugin
arrow  msbuild.resources.dll MSBuild.exe
arrow  mscdm.dll
arrow  mscofd.dll Microsoft OFD C++ Class Library
arrow  msconv97.dll Microsoft Conversion Library
arrow  mscorcfg.dll Administrative tool for .NET UI
arrow  mscorcfg.resources.dll Administrative tool for .NET UI
arrow  mscordacwks.dll Microsoft .NET External Data Access Support
arrow  mscordbc.dll Microsoft .NET Runtime Debugging Services Controller
arrow  mscordbi.dll Microsoft .NET Runtime Debugging Services
arrow  mscorie.dll Microsoft .NET IE MIME Filter
arrow  mscorjit.dll Microsoft .NET Runtime Just-In-Time Compiler
arrow  mscorld.dll Microsoft Remote object loader
arrow  mscorlib.dll Microsoft Common Language Runtime Class Library

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